A key corporate objective of FIA is to develop liveable cities and major precincts in Australia, leveraging off Fucheng’s main urban development in the Yanjiao economic development zone (located approximately 40 kilometres east of Beijing). The residential development in the Hebei Province alone houses over 500,000 people and represents over 11 million square metres of development since the year 2000.

Woodhouse Station (approximately 5,000 hectares) and the adjoining Nerowie Farm (approximately 1,100 hectares), provide consolidated farm holdings of approximately 6,100 hectares.

220 hectares of mixed use zoned land within the Eynesbury township that is the subject of a residential subdivision application for over 800 lots.

In Victoria, the cattle farming land is located near Bendigo and is approximately 2,200 hectares.

Fucheng Investment Australia has an association with substantial farmland investment in Queensland, totalling over 38,000 hectares which includes feedlots, a future $100 million abattoir and a cattle farm.

Mr Fucheng Li
The Fucheng Group was started in 1987, when Mr Fucheng Li borrowed 5000 Yuan to buy 7 cows. It opened the door for a national brand to develop. Before long, Fucheng became a market leader in the food industry in China and subsequently continued to develop the brand and product range.
Today, the company has over 33,000 employees in China and supplies national giants such as the military, McDonalds, Walmart and various five star hotels.
Above and beyond its publicly listed food production company, Fucheng Ng Fung Food (Hebei) Co. Ltd, the Fucheng Group now also has operations in global property development, real estate, property management, finance, commerce and trade, wine, mining, agriculture, farming, beef and cattle production, restaurants, funeral services and interests in many other industries.

Yongxing Li
Director of Fucheng Investment Australia
Mr. Yongxing Li has been involved with the family business since 1988, when he commenced work as a manager with the Fucheng Group. He was the Founder and Chairman of Longtai Property Development and is also the current Chairman of Fucheng Cement Manufacture. In Australia, Yongxing has most recently orchestrated the approval from the Queensland government to build a $100 million dollar abattoir in Goondiwindi, in his capacity as the Director of Fucheng International Abattoirs Pty Ltd.

Gaosheng Li
Director of Fucheng Investment Australia
Mr. Gaosheng Li has also been involved in the family business since 1988, and became director of Fucheng Abattoirs China in 1999. Currently, Gaosheng is the Managing Director of the publicly listed food processing business Fortune Ng Fung Food (Hebei) Co. Ltd., which is based in China, and he is also a Director of Fucheng International Abattoirs Pty Ltd.

Nigel Sharp
CEO and Founder of Odonata and Senior Strategic Advisor to Fucheng Investment Australia

Dylan Brady
Conductor at deciBel (Architecture))) and Senior Strategic Advisor to Fucheng Investment Australia

Chris Arms
Managing Director of CJ Arms & Associates and Senior Strategic Advisor to Fucheng Investment Australia

Aaron Harvey
Director of Consulting Services at Biosis and Senior Strategic Advisor to Fucheng Investment Australia